Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Things are looking up !!??

Heard on The Laal Street

Baankelal: How many leaders of industrialised nations does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Bunty: Seven (G-7). One to hold the bulb and other 6 to rotate the house.
G7 leaders meeting in USA to agree on united response to credit crisis

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Heard on the Laal Street

Wow ...the Dow

The US senate is rumoured to be considering change in the name of benchmark index.

It might be now onwards called as Down Jones.

Bol Mere Laal

Bol Mere Laal

Baankelal: "Yaar....What is the difference between a dead cat and a bad investment?"

Mungerilal: "Hmmmmm...."

Bunty: "Chacha.....let me tell you: You still get a bounce from the dead cat when it is thrown out of the window"

Mungerilal: "Angry"

Baankelal: "Ouch"

The Bear Market Bares It All

Effects of financial crisis on (real) currency

Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Laal Street Journal


The main motto behind this blog, The Laal Street Journal is to look at the funny side of otherwise serious investing business basically to learn from others' mistakes.

The intention is not to malign or harm anyone... either living, dead or soon-to-be-dead people.